"Dancing with the Stars" Recap: Season 11, Week 8 Elimination

November 10, 2010

Things we loved on last night’s results show:

-The pros strutting their stuff! As always, the chance to see GOOD ballroom dancing was the highlight of this whole silly extravaganza.

-Jeanine Mason. Our former cover girl looked amazing in her duet with (the increasingly creepy, no?) Mark Ballas. Fun that she got to show off some of her ballroom skills, too.

Hot Beyoncé-esque leotards. Work it, ladies!

-Really, really talented little kids. Not only does Emily Bear have the cutest name (and cheeks!) ever, but she’s a true piano prodigy, and we’re hoping that the two baby ballroom couples will fulfill Tom’s prediction and end up as pros on “season 30.”

-Kurt Warner and Anna Trebunskaya, who were possibly the classiest couple on the show, not to mention the adorable-est. Kurt was, as we expected him to be, a very gracious loser. We’ll miss ’em both!

Things we flat-out loathed:

-There was SO MUCH FILLERRRRRRRRR. Stop it, guys. Just stop it. Dancecenter? So over it. This results stuff could easily be condensed into 30 minutes, and we’d all be better off for it. (Well, all of us but ABC.)

-It’s not that we hate Bristol Palin–in fact, we feel kind of sorry for her–but boy, oh boy, do we hate that she’s still around. So much for yesterday’s theory about hard work and charisma winning the day, because Kurt beats Miss Palin on both counts. Sigh and a half. We’re praying to the ever-fickle dance gods that she doesn’t win it all, because if she does…well, we don’t think WE’D have the self-control to be gracious losers.