February 2016 Table of Contents
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Keepers of the Flame
Meet the young pros upholding classic modern dance traditions.
Small but Mighty
Not sure you’re a big-city dancer? Here are 12 regional companies you should consider.
Are You Ready to Go Pro?
Frank advice to help you decide if it’s time to jump into a dance career.
Auditions Guide 2016
Essential info on more than 150 top-tier auditions.
Unions 101
What you need to know about the dance world’s worker organizations.
Dance Spirit‘s Valentine’s Day Special
Feast your eyes on some of the dreamiest—and most talented—men in dance. You’re welcome.
Up Front: Buzz
New York City Ballet’s Gretchen Smith talks Justin Peck’s new ballet; Project Resilience’s mission to support dancers in need.
Up Front: The Dirt
Alonzo King LINES Ballet’s Kara Wilkes.
Letter to My Teenage Self
Choreographer Lauren Adams.
Dear Katie
Kathryn Morgan answers your pressing dance questions.
Choreographer’s Collage
Rising star Al Blackstone shares his inspirations.
Body Buzz
The aches and pains you should never ignore; a love letter to dark chocolate.
Stand out from the audition crowd with statement-making looks.
Spotlight: Modern
What it’s like to perform in an immersive show.
College Corner
Three reasons you should consider community college.
You Should Know
Commercial cutie Soni Bringas.