13 Fun Facts About Kalani Hilliker

August 13, 2017

Favorite Instagram filter:


Her current phone case…

“…has a rose with flames coming out of it.”

Favorite song right now:

“Young Dumb & Broke,” by Khalid

Erin Baiano

Guilty TV pleasure:

“The Bachelor”

Pre-performance routine:

“My friends and I do an eight-count shake to shake off all our nerves.”

Good-luck charms:

“I’m very superstitious! Before every dance routine, we have to knock on wood.”

Favorite routine she’s performed on “Dance Moms”:


Celebrity crush:

Zac Efron

Biggest pet peeve:

“The sound of Styrofoam pieces rubbing together.”

First thing she does in the morning:

“I wake up at 6, but I snooze my alarm, like, 12 times—it’s still dark outside!”

Her personality in three words:

Fun, outgoing, responsible

Her dancing in three words:

Legs, flowy, strong

Advice for Dance Spirit readers:

“Don’t let anyone get in the way of what you want. Success doesn’t happen overnight, so keep working!”

Want to hear more from the “Dance Moms” sensation? Click here!

A version of this story appeared in the September 2017 issue of
Dance Spirit with the title “Fast Facts.”