Celebrate Gene Kelly's Birthday with 5 of His Greatest Dance Moments
Happy birthday, Gene Kelly! The dance icon would’ve been 106 years old today—and his legacy is still burning bright. We thought we’d honor the incredible performer with a look at five of his greatest routines ever.
5.“The Worry Song,” from “Anchors Aweigh” (1945)
In which Kelly dances seamlessly alongside the animated Jerry Mouse like it’s NBD. (It was—and still is—a BD.)
4.“Squeaky Floor Routine,” from “Summer Stock” (1950)
Just Kelly, an empty stage, a felicitously squeaky floorboard, and a few stray newspaper pages. Genius.
3.“I Like Myself,” from “It’s Always Fair Weather” (1955)
2.“I Got Rhythm,” from “An American in Paris” (1951)
Yes, “Our Love Is Here to Stay” and the film’s epic final ballet sequence are both gorgeous, but Kelly’s at his most charming teaching English—and, of course, dance appreciation—to a group of cute French kids.
1.“Singin’ in the Rain,” from “Singin’ in the Rain” (1952)
Not only one of Kelly’s best performances, but also one of the best dance performances of all time. ‘Nuff said.