He's Got Jackson Fever
Nichols sure has that pelvic thrust down. (Michael Jackson photo courtesy Associated Press)
Forget Michael Jackson holograms—17-year-old Brett Nichols is the true reincarnation of the King of Pop.
At last week’s annual talent show, the students of Pitman High School in Turlock, CA, were blown away by their classmate’s smooth, MJ-inspired moves. Dancing to Jackson’s “Billie Jean,” Nichols showed off what he’d been perfecting for the last ten years: an uncanny impression of Michael Jackson’s signature dance style.
How did he get so darn good at it? One word: YouTube. Nichols has spent countless hours watching old MJ clips and polishing his moves. You know, moves like…
…the super fast spin around on two feet……the iconic, ahem, crotch grab pelvic thrust…
…and of course, the moonwalk. Naturally, with moves like these, Nichols won his school’s talent show. But the infamy didn’t end there. A clip of highlights from the show (which mainly focused on Nichols’ performance) is now a viral YouTube video—it received almost 3 million views in the first two days! The internet hype (and various news shows including “The Today Show”) is absolutely blowing up over this kid.
With all the Jackson fever going around the past couple of weeks, we have to say this just might be our favorite. Sure, tributes from famous people, somewhat creepy holograms, posthumous albums…they’re all great. But a regular kid with a passion to preserve MJ’s dance legacy? Now that’s a tribute. Check it out (he starts dancing around 1:11):