It's National Puppy Day!
That’s right! And we all know that dancers really love their dogs. So what better way to celebrate #NationalPuppyDay than by awww-ing over these adorable photos?
For the last couple of years, Sacramento Ballet has combined its Nutcracker run with a pet adoption event, which is a pretty genius marketing strategy if you ask me. Cute Claras and chubby puppies? Yes please.
(Photo via Sacramento Ballet)
Are Griz and Cali, the furry friends of New York City Ballet principals Tiler Peck and Robert Fairchild, the most famous ballet dogs? Maybe…and they’re definitely two of the cutest.
(Photo via @misstilerpeck on Instagram)
American Ballet Theatre dancer Sarah Smith’s dog Hudson looks like a giant pillow and I want to squeeze him.
(Photo via @thedogist on Instagram)
Here’s Liza Minelli gazing lovingly at the best friend anyone could ever ask for.
(Photo courtesy Dance Magazine archives)
Tweet us (@Dance_SpiritMag) a photo of you and your dog and tag #NationalPuppyDay!