There's a New Documentary About Misty Copeland
American Ballet Theatre soloist Misty Copeland leads a pretty fascinating life. When she’s not dancing with ABT, she’s performing with Prince. When she’s not performing with Prince, she’s writing books. When she’s not writing books, she’s appearing in television commercials. When she’s not appearing in television commercials, she’s modeling—sometimes for her own calendar.
So it’s not surprising that she’s the focus of a new documentary film. And A Ballerina’s Tale, directed by Nelson George, promises plenty of footage of Misty doing her beautiful thing onstage and in the studio. But the movie won’t just capture the more fabulous aspects of her life. It’ll also look at Misty as a trailblazer, one of the world’s very few successful black ballerinas.
A Ballerina’s Tale
currently has a Kickstarter campaign going to raise the funds needed to complete the project. Watch the preview footage below—then click here to find out how you can help.