Your biscuits aren’t the only things that take a beating during Nutcracker season—your (constantly sprayed, straightened, curled, and gelled) hair does, too. And while using heat tools and products is inevitable, there are plenty of ways to maintain a healthy mane through December. Here are our top tips.
Down ’n’ Out!
Wearing a ballet bun every day can slowly weaken your hair and cause it to break, so make sure to take your hair down right after each performance is over. Carefully undo your bun, spray your hair with some water, and use your fingers to massage your scalp and roots in a circular motion, which will stimulate blood flow and loosen the hair.
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{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Down u2019nu2019 Out!u00a0”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eWearing a ballet bun every day can slowly weaken your hair and cause it to break, so make sure to take your hair down right after each performance is over. Carefully undo your bun, spray your hair with some water, and use your fingers to massage your scalp and roots in a circular motion, which will stimulate blood flow and loosen the hair.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003eThinkstocku003c/pu003e”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Conditioner Is Key”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eConditioner is the secret weapon to cleansing your hair of residual spray and gel. Use your favorite conditioner in the shower every day, then apply a leave-in treatment with added oils, like argan oil, overnight.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003eGetty Imagesu003c/pu003e”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Skip the Shampoo”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eShampooing your hair daily can potentially strip your scalp of its natural oils (which can backfire and cause your hair to become more oily). Instead, alternate between regular shampoo and dry shampoou2014the latter will keep your hair clean without stripping it.u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003eThinkstocku003c/pu003e”}

{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Battle Buildup with Baking Soda”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eIf you’re dealing with an unpleasant buildup of hairspray around the roots of your hair, shampoo and conditioner alone won’t cut it. Mix 2 tablespoons of your shampoo with 1 tablespoon of baking soda until it looks like a smooth paste. Add the mixture to a comb, run it through your dry hair, and let it sit for 15 minutes. The baking soda will break down any hairspray residue. Finally, hop in the shower and rinse it all out, then shampoo and condition your hair like you normally would. u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003eGetty Imagesu003c/pu003e”}
A version of this story appeared in the December 2018 issue of
Dance Spirit with the title “Going Pro (biotic).”