October 2015 Table of Contents
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Marvelous Michelle
Michelle May is your 2015 Cover Model Search winner!
Letters of Love for the Runners-Up
Why you voted for Jordan Pelliteri and Gabriella Stilo.
Learn to Turn
Not a “natural” turner? That doesn’t mean you can’t achieve perfect pirouettes.
Dancers Do Halloween Best
Eight dancers talk about their creative costumes.
Best in Show
Top trends from Nationals 2015.
Movin’ On Up
How to prove you deserve to be in a higher level.
When All the World’s a Crowded Ballroom
What to expect at your first convention.
Dance Spirit‘s 2015–16 Competition & Convention Guide
Info on more than 100 of this season’s must attend events.
Up Front: Buzz
The Big Apple dance scene has a lot going on this month.
Up Front: The Dirt
Janet Jackson backup dancer Melanie Mah.
Can you match the tutu to the ballet?
Letter to My Teenage Self
Martha Graham Dance Company principal Peiju Chien-Pott
Dear Katie
Kathryn Morgan answers your pressing dance questions.
Kate Harpootlian journals a week on tour with Shaping Sound.
Tried-and-true taping methods; powerful food pairings.
What it means to be iron deficient.
Snuggly warm-ups for chilly temps.
Style Lab
The best new bags to pack all your gear.
World Dance
Irish step dance can improve your musicality and stamina—and your ballet technique.
College Corner
Take your writing to the next level at three colleges with strong dance and dance writing programs.
You Should Know
Budding ballerina Julietet Bosco.