Picks and Contests

September 2, 2009





Congratulations dancemedia.com June Editors’ Choice winners!

Video of the Month

Hans van Manen’s Five Tangos


Kelly Myernick, Christopher Coomer, Jaquel Andrews and Nicholas Leschke of Houston Ballet perform a sensual tango ballet.


Future Star Award



Dancers: Sara Pinto, Stephanie Bradshaw, Michelle Bradshaw, Maria Volpe and Caralyn Storch perform a routine choreographed by Alison Seidenstricker.


Cover Model Search


The Garden
—Noelle Marsh


Noelle Marsh dances a solo to “The Garden” by Mirah.



Pick of the Month

Who’s to say that “nondancers” can’t get up every once in a while and shake their own groove things? Every Body Dance Now is filled with photographs by Martin Parr of ordinary people all around the world doing just that—dancing in nightclubs, schools, cruise ships, parks, churches and restaurants from Brazil to China. The images are reminders that dance isn’t just about the next winner of “So You Think You Can Dance” or the latest performance by New York City Ballet: Dance is a universal language.


—Monica Levy



Courtesy Everybody Dance Now