4 Dancer-Friendly Pilates Mat Exercises
Fitness fads come and go, but one has stood the test of time: Pilates. Dancers swear by this full-body workout as an effective cross-training regimen. The low-impact moves are easy on any nagging injuries and help keep you lean, toned, centered, and flexible. Dance Spirit turned to Youn Kyung Lee, owner of 21 Pilates in NYC, for four mat-based exercises that’ll serve your dancer bod best.
Photos by Jayme Thornton. Modeled by Alicia McGinty.
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The Pilates Hundred
This essential Pilates move regulates your breathing, conditions your abs, and helps your alignment.
1. Start on your back with your knees pulled into your chest.
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{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e2. Curl your upper body upward, reaching your chin toward your stomach, until your shoulder blades are grazing the floor. Extend your arms straight in front of you, keeping them a few inches above the ground and aligned with your shoulders, and lift your legs to about a 45-degree angle.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e3. Keeping your ankles together, slightly bend your knees and activate your turnout, creating a diamond shape.u003cspanu003eu003c/spanu003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e4. Begin pulsing your arms up and down. Count to one hundred, inhaling for 5 counts and exhaling for 5 counts. Focus on pulling your abs and belly button in toward the floor.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}
The Roll-Up
Think of this core-strengthening move stretches your spine while strengthening your abs, and promotes proper spinal alignment.
1. Start on your back with your legs straight in front of you, your feet flexed, and your arms extended straight up.
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{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “The Roll-Up”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e1. Start on your back with your legs straight in front of you, your feet flexed, and your arms extended straight up.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003e Think of this core-strengthening move stretches your spine while strengthening your abs, and promotes proper spinal alignment.u003c/pu003e”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e2. Inhale and, leading with your arms, exhale as you roll your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor.u003cspanu003eu003c/spanu003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e3. As your arms pass your ears, allow your head to drop and your spine to roll forward.u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e4. Keeping your arms extended in front of you, continue rolling forward, reaching for your toes, while pulling your abs in and up.u003cspanu003eu003c/spanu003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e5. Inhale again and, keeping your abs engaged and pulled in, begin to unfurl your spine back onto the floor. Make sure your shoulders remain relaxed and your speed stays consistent throughout the movement.u003cspanu003eu003c/spanu003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}
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The Clam
This move helps stabilize your spine and pelvis, while strengthening your hips while promoting proper turnout.
1. Start on your right side. Extend your right arm past your head, and rest your head on top of it. Place your left hand on the floor in front of you.
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{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003e2. Keeping your ankles together and your hips stacked, bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. u003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “”}
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The Single-Leg Kick
This exercise is great for hip stability, and strengthens and stretches your back and abdominal muscles.
1. Start on your stomach with your legs together. Hold your upper body up with your forearms, keeping them shoulder-width apart, and make fists with your hands. Keep your head raised and your gaze directed forward. Keeping your neck extended and your inner thighs activated, pull your abs in, up, and away from the mat. Imagine that your belly button is being pulled into your spine.
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A version of this story appeared in the September 2018 issue of
Dance Spirit with the title “Take It to the Mat.”