Ready to Fall in Love?
Usually when I hear about videos of very young dancers performing very big ballet variations, my first thought is: No. Please no. The poor kid.
And yes, sometimes it can be terrifying—a tragic 8-year-old fighting her way through the Black Swan Pas (sadly, that is not a hypothetical example), probably at the mercy of some crazy stage parent who’s hyperventilating in the wings.
But this little guy? He’s a different story:
Alexei Orohovsky, ladies and gentlemen. Age 4.
OK, yes, he’s totally adorable. That always helps. But the best part is that (according to the YouTube description) he saw this variation, fell in love with it, and decided he was gonna do it. It was that simple. There’s no twisted, Black Swan-ish parental force at work here. He’s not killing himself worrying about technique—or worrying about anything, really. He just LOVES THE DANCE. And he happens to have a whole lot of style.
Keep it up, Alexei! We have a feeling we’ll be seeing you on some of the world’s biggest stages in about 15 years.