Sweden Does Lunch Right
I just took a “lunch break” that consisted of me, sitting at my desk, wolfing down a sandwich. And the whole time I was thinking: I wish I were in Sweden right now.
Come again, you say? Oh, you haven’t heard about the Culture House in Stockholm, Sweden, and its Lunch Beat dance parties? They are for real, and they are amazing. Once a month, the venue hosts a giant party from noon to 1 pm. And participants (there were more than 500 at the March party) have to dance. That’s right: It’s a RULE. Everyone must shake his or her booty. Oh, and eat sandwiches. Because, you know, it’s lunchtime.
Swedes, man. They know how to do it.
Would this ever happen in hard-driving, what-is-this-thing-you-call-“lunch” NYC? Probably not. But I can dream, can’t I?
And just in case you’re curious about what a lunchtime dance party looks like, here you go. (SPOILER: It looks really, really fun.)