"SYTYCD" Season 8: Double Elimination

March 22, 2017

“After a mouth-watering cocktail of dance (or something), we’re left with a headache: two couples have to go home tonight!”
Enter Cat Deeley, in a hot red dress, already dishing out the drama.


Since no couples were sent home last week, four contestants will be sent packing tonight. It is all very intense.


My favorite part of the “So You Think You Can Dance” results show is almost always the opening number, but tonight’s left me feeling blah. I was surprised to hear that Dave Scott choreographed the “Sinnerman” routine for the Top 20. I normally love his stuff, especially for large groups, but I didn’t feel enough energy from the dancers. They looked mighty dapper in madras Bermuda shorts, ties, blazers and bowl hats, but the choreography wasn’t cleaned up and it came across as messy.


Nigel, Mary and guest judge Debbie Reynolds spend a big chunk of the hour walking us through the previous night’s performances. Some couples are safe, some are in the bottom, and there aren’t many big surprises. Three couples will be sent to the bottom three and those contestants will each perform a way-too-short-to-be-able-to-show-off-anything-but-tricks solo. We call this “dancing for your life.”


But you knew all that already, so on with the highlights:

  • The couples “in danger of leaving the show tonight” are Missy and Wadi, Iveta and Nick, and Ryan and Ricky. 
  • Before the soloists perform, Cat tells them, “I can’t wait to see your solos. They’re going to be so great.” Her encouragement is adorable, and I wish I had a little Cat Deeley sitting on my shoulder at all times, giving me little affirmations and bits of positivity. 
  • The guest act on tonight’s show is Rage Crew. This is the group’s third time on the show and they are always so much fun. The kids—who are getting so much bigger and older each time they perform—are small and talented and ridiculously energetic. As I watch them from the comfort of my couch, I feel lazy. The performance is clean (Top 20, are you paying attention?) and filled with acrobatic tricks to get the audience all riled up. It works. They’ve got skills.
  • The solo performances are exactly what you’d expect: B-boy moves and a megawatt smile from Wadi, some flexed-feet and thrashy things from Missy, adorably charismatic tapping by Nick, a fringe-clad Iveta moving her hips faster than I ever thought possible, shirtless Ricky leaping and jumping and doing layouts and Ryan dancing for her life by way of curly hair-driven contemporary stuff. Those are my very professional critiques of the solos. You’re welcome.
  • We get a live performance from LMFAO. They rock out to “Party Rock Anthem” while Quest Crew (one of my favorites!) performs. I loved this, mostly because the Quest Crew guys are adorable and not only do they perform in zebra print pants, they also managed to work the running man into their choreography. Geniuses? I think so.


At the end of the night, the judges are uninamous in their decision. Goodbye Missy, Iveta, Nick and Wadi. “You all have charisma and you’re all going to be stars,” Nigel says. Translation: “Sorry, you’re not good enough. Have a good night. Please be sure to leave your room keys on the dresser on your way out.”


So? Do you agree with the judges? Tell us. Now. Share your thoughts with us on Twitter @Dance_SpiritMag and on the DS Facebook page