Tag: dance news

An Exclusive Peek Inside Choreographer Mia Michaels' First Book, Which Hits Stores Tomorrow

Working with choreographer Mia Michaels seems to be at the top of every dancer’s bucket list. In her decades-long career, she’s collaborated with music greats including Prince and Céline Dion; crafted Emmy-winning pieces for “So You Think You Can Dance”; created dreamy works for her own company, RAW; choreographed Broadway’s Finding Neverland; and worked with […]

"Dancers & Dogs" Features ABT Stars and Their Adorable Furry Friends

Dance collaborations are always exciting but there’s a special place in our hearts for dance projects that feature our favorite, furry, four-legged friends, otherwise known as dogs. That’s why when Kelly Pratt Kreidich came up with the concept of shooting elegant ballet dancers next to the cutest creatures on earth, she decided she had to […]

Why Are So Many Male Dance Students Still Bullied Today?

Growing up in a family-owned dance studio in Missouri had its perks for tap dancer Anthony Russo. But it also earned him constant taunting, especially in high school. “There was a junior in my sophomore year health class who was absolutely relentless,” he says. “I’d get tripped on my way to the front of the […]

Kida Burns Introduces Dancing Wii Challenge On Instagram

There’s a new challenge taking over social media and it’s bringing out the dancer in everyone. So You Think You Can Dance: Next Generation winner Kida Burns (aka Kida the Great) has inspired a new trend thanks to an impromptu dance session in his kitchen. In a recent Instagram post, Kida and fellow dancer Jabari […]