Tag: new year

6 New Year’s Dance Resolutions You’ll Actually Keep

It’s one thing to put “earn a convention scholarship” or “master fouettés” on your list of resolutions for the new year—and those are certainly worthy accomplishments to work toward. But if aiming for such major wins feels a tad ambitious, try adding a few resolutions focused on simply improving your mindset in the new year. […]

12 Dance Resolutions to Make in 2018

Happy new year, friends! Hoping to take your dancing to the next level in 2018? Of course you are—and we’ve got you covered. Here are 12 dance resolutions, one to tackle each month, all culled from the pages of Dance Spirit. They’ll help you hit the “refresh” button on your training. January Listen to pain. […]

How to Set–and Achieve–Your Dance and Fitness Goals

It’s almost the new year, which means resolution-making will be a “thing” for at least the next week. And while making goals (especially fitness-related ones) is an important part of progressing as a dancer, more times than not, New Year’s resolutions end up as forgotten promises. But resolutions don’t always have to result in guilt […]

Here's to a Very Dance-y 2016

Happy 2016, errbody! We hope you’ve resolved to get that 180 degree penchée and master that insane acro trick and nail that third (fourth? fifth? sixth?) pirouette this year. Or that you’ve simply vowed to become the best dancer you can be in 2016, whether that involves impressive pyrotechnics or not. (It’s not ALL about […]

Happy New Year! Love, Dance Spirit

Wheeeeeee it’s 2015! How were your celebrations? Dance-filled? If it’s before noon and you’re reading this, STOP RIGHT NOW AND GO BACK TO BED. I’m not going to start discussing dance resolutions for the year. (If you’re ready for that kind of talk, you can find plenty of it in our January issue). Instead, I’m going to […]

2014 at a (Dance) Glance

It’s beginning to look a lot like…New Year’s. OK, so maybe I’m jumping the gun a bit. But humans are naturally nostalgic creatures, and we require sufficient time for reflection. Luckily, the folks at The Creators Project made our jobs a little easier this year by compiling the greatest dance trends of 2014 into just […]

Kyle Hanagami's Salute to the New Year

It’s no secret that we’ve been in love with dancer, teacher and choreographer Kyle Hanagami for a while now. But what’s not to love? He’s smart, sensitive (remember his letters of love?) and smooth (ahem… “Moondance,” anybody?). And he’s also just, well, crazy talented. This 27-year-old hasn’t slowed down since we talked to him back […]