Tag: pas de deux

The Dos and Don'ts of Partnering

Few things are as nerve-racking as partnering class, especially when you’re a newbie. No matter the genre, the stakes feel high—and the potential for awkwardness feels unlimited. How do you avoid smacking your partner in the face? How do you communicate a problem without causing a major conflict? Dance Spirit spoke with some partnering pros […]

This Clip Starring Ailey's Power Couple Has Us Believing in Love Again

Distance, schmistance. There’s nothing quite like the highs and lows of a long-distance relationship—and “«PARIS/NEW YORK – Long Distance Love»,” a new short film from viral dance-video guru Redha Medjellekh, perfectly captures every bit of the angst and the amazingness. 2017 Dance Magazine Award winner Linda Celeste Sims and her husband Glenn Allen Sims (also […]

Justin Peck's Gender-Neutral Ballet Casting Is Brilliant

If you’re a ballet person, your feeds are probably full of gorgeous previews of Justin Peck’s new work for New York City Ballet, set to premiere tomorrow night. Excited as we are about that, though, we’re almost more excited that Peck’s The Times Are Racing—which NYCB debuted in January—is returning to the stage this fall. […]

Choreographing for Two

Andrea Bayne and Matthew Cluff in Bruce Monk’s Nocti Lux at Ballet Victoria (photo by Jean-François Mincet) Sizzling tension, intoxicating romance, heart-wrenching drama: Whether we’re talking about a “So You Think You Can Dance” routine, the Black Swan pas de deux or a classic Fred and Ginger–style ballroom number, duets can pack a serious emotional […]

Partnering for Newbies

You’re at a summer intensive, taking your first pas de deux class—ever. Your palms sweat as you grasp your partner’s hand for a shaky promenade, staring intently at the floor to avoid looking him in the face. “Sorry!” you chirp nervously when you fall off pointe, feeling your face grow hot when he doesn’t say […]