Tag: professional dancer

From Competitions to Campus: How 4 Comp Stars Made the Leap

Considering a dance degree to build on your competition experiences? DS caught up with comp-circuit stars who chose higher ed to learn the advantages of transitioning from comp kid to college kid. Ability to Pick Up New Genres “Because I’d been exposed to so many different genres—hip hop, theater, contemporary, and ballet—I was able to […]

Former Bunheads Branch Out From the Barre

For dancers who’ve spent their lives in pink tights, signing a big ballet company contract can seem like the be-all-end-all goal. But ballet-trained dancers aren’t one-trick ponies, and many end up leading successful dance careers outside the ballet world. Before you say “ballet or no way,” get inspired by dancers who traded in their pointe […]

We Don't Do It Because It's Easy

Let’s face it: If you wanted an easy, straight-forward career path, you probably wouldn’t aspire to be a professional dancer. First of all, there’s no set path to success. If you want to be a doctor, you go to medical school. A lawyer? Law school. And while there are tons of great higher-ed opportunities for […]

How to Prepare for a New Role—on and Off the Marley

You already know that taking on a new role requires lots of homework, from perfecting the steps to figuring out spacing. But while it’s easy to become wrapped up in technical demands, a little extra research can make all the difference in your performance—because each piece of choreography is inspired by something, whether it’s a […]

NYC Newbies: How Three Dancers Are Making It in the Big Apple

Ah, New York—the center of all things dance, and the place young professionals flock to in hopes of starting a career. Want to join in on the Empire State of Mind, but not sure how? We asked three rookie dancers, who all moved to the city recently, for their advice about everything from finding an […]

The Cool Kid's Guide to L.A.

The City of Angels has a lot more to offer than overcrowded tourist spots. It’s also home to flourishing underground dance, art and music scenes, delicious off-the-beaten-path restaurants and unique places to shop. We asked four pros who call the city home for their top picks—so you can do L.A. like the indie kids. —Courtney […]