Tag: tucker barkley

Finalists Dakayla, Anthony, and Madison in the season finale episode of “So You Think You Can Dance.”

“SYTYCD” Week 10 Recap: And the Winner Is…

It’s been a crazy season of “So You Think You Can Dance.” We saw the show try out an all-new format, with the dancers competing in practical challenges instead of performing on the stage. We saw our top 10 not only dancing together but living together for the first time ever. We saw new judges […]

Ian Eastwood Started an Intense—and Important—Convo About Class Videos

You’re obsessed with class videos. We’re obsessed with class videos. The passion, energy, and talent showcased in these clips, which give us an insider-y peek at the commercial dance world’s hottest classes, are totally irresistible. But at what point does the phenomenon go from being a good thing to a bad thing for dancers and […]