Teen Artist Benefit

March 29, 2010

When a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Port-au-Prince, Haiti in January, dancers around the country rallied together to raise money for the devastated community. Just 45 days later, an 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck Chile. Weeks have passed, but the wreckage remains as the Haitian and Chilean people try to put their lives back together.

Tonight, at the Acme Comedy Theater in Hollywood, CA, young artists and dancers are coming together to help raise money for the earthquake-stricken countries at the Teen Artist Benefit.  Led by the show’s producer, dancer and choreographer Joe Loera, there will be performances by “So You Think You Can Dance’s” Mollee Gray and Kayla Radomski, Broadway Musical 13 and Bye Bye Birdie’s Allie Trimm and numerous other young performers.

Tune in to watch the show live at www.acmecomedy.com, beginning at 7:30 p.m. PST. Donations can be made http://www.teenartistbenefit.com/apps/webstore/. Also, 15 percent of all Jo+Jax purchases through this Friday, April 2, will go towards the cause. Be sure to use the promotion code TAB+JJ at checkout. All proceeds will go the American Red Cross.

Dancers can make a difference—you can make a difference.