The LXD at New York Comic Con
I zig-zagged through throngs of fanboys and girls who filled the hallways at NYC’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center for the 2010 New York Comic Con. I didn’t have time to stop and admire the towering gladiator posing for photos or the young lady dressed in an elaborate warrior getup. I was headed for room IA-22 (convention center design—unfailingly institutional) for an exclusive preview of season two of The LXD, an online web series created by director Jon M. Chu. The LXD, or Legion of Extraordinary Dancers, is a collection of dancers whose exceptional physical talents extend beyond their bodies. The first season introduced viewers to the dancers who use their superpowers for good; we’ll meet the evil dancers in season two. (Click here to read more about The LXD in the April issue of DS.)
I made it just in time for the screening. I had watched all of season one and was impressed by the series, which borrows heavily from comic book style with lots of bold visual storytelling, split screens and quick cuts. Watching often felt like I was reading hastily, quickly scanning from frame to frame. And the dancers are undeniably extraordinary. I was eager to get a look at season two.
But first, they showed a few episodes from season one. I wasn’t surprised by their selections: Robot Lovestory, featuring swoon-worthy Madd Chadd, Elliot’s Shoes, with “Glee”‘s Harry Shum Jr., and FanBoyz, an apt choice for the setting. Then, they showed a trailer for the upcoming season. Given that season two will focus on dance villains, it was appropriately sinister. But I wanted more! (Click here to see the newly-released trailer.) No such luck. Just a tempting taste.
The lights came up and Chu talked a bit about the series before taking questions. Someone asked if season two would feature more female dancers and he assured us it would. The lack of ladies in season one, he said, was merely a matter of scheduling. Another attendee asked about Chu’s work on the upcoming Justin Bieber movie. “It’s a whole new world,” Chu said. He described how the 3D movie’s musical numbers will function sort of like a “Greek choir,” heightening the content and emotion of the documentary.
And then, a lady walked through the center aisle, held up a piece of paper, and time was up. A new audience quickly filled the seats, so I waited outside to talk to Chu, who was surrounded by fans. I chatted with The LXD’s producer, Hieu Ho, who told me that they were surprised by the online viewers’ patience and committment. Most of the episodes in the first season were only about 10 minutes long. He said viewers told them they wanted more, so season two will have longer episodes. (Both Chu and Ho are normal, down-to-earth guys. If you write to The LXD on their Facebook page, YouTube or Twitter, you’ll likely get a reply and chances are, it was written by Chu or Ho.)
Chu was generous with his time, talking to everyone who approached—including me. He said they were heading back to the hotel to do some editing and then returning to L.A. today because they were on a deadline crunch. This morning, I found out that season two will premiere October 27 on Hulu. My calendar is marked!