Amazing Little-Known Facts About 10 Famous Dancers

March 27, 2017

Dancers are multi-layered, complicated people. Which is why it makes sense that there’s a lot about our favorite pros that we don’t know. Read on for the most surprising facts Dance Spirit has learned throughout the years.

Ian Eastwood, commercial dancer

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

“I have a life-sized Spider-Man cutout in my room that is staring at me right now.”

Lauren Lovette, New York City Ballet principal

What’s your favorite food?

“A big steak with mushrooms and potatoes of any kind. I have had it every birthday I can remember.”

Jacqueline Green, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Is there anything that makes you nervous?

“I can perform in front of thousands comfortably, but a flight to Europe can make me anxious.”

Jason Janas, tapper

What’s the strangest thing in your dance bag?

“A room key from this amazing hotel I stayed in when I was in Sardinia, Italy. I can’t part with it.”

Mollee Gray, commercial dancer

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

“I still collect Pokémon cards! (I have them displayed in my room HA HA)”

Devon Teuscher, American Ballet Theatre soloist

Do you have any pre-performance superstitions?

“I always have my lucky bunny in my dressing room. My dad gave it to me when I was a baby and it goes everywhere with me.”

Laura Osnes, Broadway triple threat

What’s your most embarrassing onstage moment?

“It was during a matinee performance of South Pacific on Broadway for a bunch of students. I was wearing only a bathing suit, and I tripped and fell on one of the set pieces with my bare legs flailing everywhere. The kids were not forgiving with their laughter. I made it through the scene, but started bawling the second I got offstage. I was so embarrassed.”

Mark Kanemura, commercial dancer

If you weren’t a dancer, what would you be?

“Hmmm… Maybe a geisha, maybe a zoologist, maybe a pirate? So many fun things to be.”

Zendaya, commercial triple threat

What’s the strangest thing in your purse?

A jar of Nutella…DON’T JUDGE!

Leanne Cope, former soloist with The Royal Ballet and principal in “An American in Paris”

What did you want to be as a kid?

“A florist, a nurse or Julie Andrews”