This New Trailer for Tiler Peck's Documentary is Giving Us All The Feels
As if we weren’t already excited enough
for the release of Tiler Peck’s documentary, this new trailer has set the excitement bar even higher. Ballet Now drops on Hulu in just a few short weeks and We. Cannot. Wait.
ICYMI because you haven’t seen the light of day in weeks—let alone dance-world news—at your summer intensive or Nationals, the documentary is produced by Elisabeth Moss (of “Mad Men” and “The Handmaid’s Tale” fame) and follows the New York City Ballet principal as she curates and performs in last year’s BalletNOW program in L.A., which was no small feat. The fab #BTS footage lets us in on just how stressful an undertaking that was for Peck.
The new trailer offers much more dancy goodness than the first thanks to more appearances by tapper Michelle Dorrance and by lots of other pros who also performed in the L.A. program. And there’s tons of Tiler sneak peeks, too, don’t you worry.
Enjoy below. Then, start the countdown to July 20 bunheads!