7 Travel-Friendly Products That Are Perfect for Your Dance Bag
When you spend more time at the studio than your actual house, making sure you have everything you need throughout the day can be tough. Obviously, shoes and endless amounts of toe tape get first priority, but what else should you be sure to keep in your bag? From dance emergency must-haves to on-the-go beauty essentials, these are the items we’re adding to our dance bag, stat.
Body Wrappers Pointe Shoe Ribbon Kit
via Body Wrappers/Angelo Luzio
Whether you need to make a quick adjustment to your ribbons during class or you find yourself with downtime between rehearsals to catch up on sewing shoes, this kit has everything you need: 2 1/2 yards of stretch ribbon, 20 inches of elastic, 2 needles, a spool of extra strong thread, safety pins and a stitch ripper in one small tin.
discountdance.com, $10.96
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{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Body Wrappers Pointe Shoe Ribbon Kit”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eWhether you need to make a quick adjustment to your ribbons during class or you find yourself with downtime between rehearsals to catch up on sewing shoes, this kit has everything you need: 2 1/2 yards of stretch ribbon, 20 inches of elastic, 2 needles, a spool of extra strong thread, safety pins and a stitch ripper in one small tin.u003cbru003eu003ca href=”https://www.discountdance.com/dancewear/style_50.html” target=”_blank”u003ediscountdance.com, $10.96u003c/au003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003evia Body Wrappers/Angelo Luziou003c/pu003e”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Secret Freshie Deodorant On-The-Go”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eThe hottest days of summer intensives are upon us, which means we could all use a little refresh after class. New from Secret, this sphere-shaped deodorant takes up about the same amount of space as your Tiger Balm, and it comes in fun scents like lavender, rose, waterlily and a summery ocean option.u003cbru003eu003ca href=”https://www.target.com/p/secret-freshie-luxe-lavender-invisible-solid-antiperspirant-and-deodorant-0-5oz/-/A-52733687″ target=”_blank”u003etarget.com, $4.99u003c/au003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003evia Secretu003c/pu003e”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Bloch Inc. Hair Kit”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eWhere all of our bobby pins and hair ties disappear to will forever be a mysteryu2014which makes Bloch Inc.’s kit essential. Complete with two hair nets, four elastics, and an assortment of 31 pins, it’s available in five shades to match your hair color.u003cbru003eu003ca href=”http://us.blochworld.com/product/A0801″ target=”_blank”u003eblochworld.com, $10u003c/au003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003evia Bloch Inc.u003c/pu003e”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “St. Ives Detox Matcha Green Tea u0026 Ginger Cleansing Stick”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eWashing your face after class can get tricky, since cleansers that could leak in your bag are a definite no. That’s where cleansing sticks, like this one from St. Ives, come in. Made with 100 percent natural coconut oil, the solid cleanser means no spills, and the matcha green tea and ginger combo will leave your skin feeling refreshed. Just splash some water on your face before swiping the stick on your skin, and use your hands to work it into a lather like you would with a traditional cleanser.u003cbru003eu003ca href=”https://www.target.com/p/st-ives-detox-matcha-green-tea-ginger-cleansing-stick-1-59oz/-/A-52560194″ target=”_blank”u003etarget.com, $7.99u003c/au003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003evia St. Ivesu003c/pu003e”}
{“product_info”: {“caption”: “Buy Now”, “product_price”: 0, “product_vendor”: false, “linkout_url”: false, “product_compare_at_price”: 0}, “headline”: “Pillows For Pointes Crushed Rock Rosin”, “credit”: “”, “description”: “u003cpu003eWhen a slippery situation pops up in the studio or onstage, this tiny tube of rosin will keep you on your toesu2014and its safety top will ensure you don’t end up with rosin rocks floating in your bag.u003cbru003eu003ca href=”https://www.discountdance.com/dancewear/style_RRP.html” target=”_blank”u003ediscountdance.com, $9.50u003c/au003eu003c/pu003e”, “caption”: “u003cpu003evia Discount Danceu003c/pu003e”}