Why Being a DanceMedia Intern Rocks!
As an intern, former DS editor in chief Alison Feller got to have a photo and bio next to her name in the magazine!
You’d be surprised at how many current editors at all your favorite magazines—Dance Spirit, Dance Magazine, Pointe, Dance Teacher—started out as interns. I was a Dance Magazine intern the summer after college graduation—and I absolutely loved it! My favorite memory? Getting to attend and contribute ideas in meetings with the editors—and having them actually care about my opinion. Plus, all the interns had a standing date to eat bagels together on Mondays, and we always had so much fun! Below, read about other great internship memories from editors at all the DanceMedia mags. If you’re intrigued, you may be the perfect candidate to be an intern just like we were! The application deadline for fall 2014 internships is August 15. Click here for more details.
“I loved feeling like a total dance-world insider. It was so crazy to be in an office where people like Allegra Kent and Susan Jaffe would just stop by!”
—Margaret Fuhrer, editor in chief, Dance Spirit
“I loved calling people and saying ‘This is Jennifer Stahl from Dance Magazine.’ That made me smile every time because I’m a nerd. I got to interview two of my dance idols, SFB soloist Elizabeth Miner and former ABT dancer Leslie Browne for a piece I wrote on what dancers wanted for the holidays. I also got to be in a DM Style shoot with some of my friends from NYU. It was awesome to see the behind the scenes of a photo shoot and how it all came together—and to have my picture in the magazine.”
—Jennifer Stahl, editor in chief, Dance Magazine
“I got to do everything from transcribing interviews and fact checking stories to writing actual features for the magazine and traveling to cover Nationals in Massachusetts. The best part of my internship, though, was the first time I got to see my name in print. It felt like Christmas morning + my birthday + midnight on New Year’s Eve + a basket of puppies. I got to be on the masthead (where the magazine lists everyone who works for it) and, for the first time, see ‘By Alison Feller’ permanently inked. It was magical.”
—Alison Feller, former editor in chief, Dance Spirit
“One of my favorite memories was helping out with the Dance Magazine Awards. If you think what happens on stage is fun, you should see what happens in the wings! I remember ABT’s Maxim Beloserkovsky joking around and doing barre in a boot (he was injured at the time) and getting presentation pointers from Susan Jaffe. Pretty surreal.”
—Kristin Schwab, associate editor, Dance Magazine
“I remember doing my first phone interview as an intern. It was with Taylor 2’s Latra Wilson for a DM newsletter story, and it was the biggest honor and most frightening 15 minutes of my young career! Totally worth it, though, to see my finished article published.”
—Andrea Marks, assistant editor, Dance Teacher