Wrapping up the summer intensive

June 19, 2008

Hello dancers! The summer intensive I’ve been doing with the Martha Graham Dance Company is coming to a close. Our final showing is tonight and tomorrow afternoon; we’ve been doing nothing but taking technique class, rehearsing, fitting costumes, and rehearsing more! We’ve made our own sections of the “Name-Calling” from Clytemnestra, videos of our own choreography, and an adaptation of Maple Leaf Rag (that we’re jokingly referring to as “Maple Syrup”). We’re doing Panorama again, which we did at SPAC last week, and we will have a combo of live musicians and pre-recorded music. You can actually watch our performance live no matter where you are because we’ll be streaming it. Check it out at 7:30 on Thursday (and possibly 2 p.m. on Friday) on clytemnestraproject.com. My parents (hi mom and dad!) can’t make it tonight, but they will be able to watch me from home.

Even thought I’m getting tired, I don’t want this intensive to end. I might start taking classes at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance in NYC. All the teachers I’ve had have been outstanding and I really love this technique. Also, my hard work has already paid off because Skidmore just asked me if some of the pictures I’ve taken of the company and students could be used in a portfolio on the Skidmore webpage. But as of now, I need to focus on our showing tonight. Check it out at 7:30 and I’ll be sure to let you know how everything went sometime next week. Until then, keep dancing!