You've Never Seen Irish Dance Like This Before
Let’s start by establishing that Irish dance is amazing. It has a fascinating history and a rich, incredibly challenging technique. Its emphasis on precise timing and intricate rhythms make it invaluable for dancers looking to develop their musicality. And there’s nothing quite like watching an Irish virtuoso do his Lord of the Dance thing.
But—speaking of Lord of the Dance—let’s have a moment of real talk: Irish dance’s reputation has become a tad musty over the years. Riverdance is (present tense! it’s still touring!) fantastic, but its crushed-velvet-and-laser-lights approach to the form have come to feel a little dated. Michael Flatley is one of the world’s greatest performers, but he turned 57 this year and is about to retire.
So…what’s next?
That’d be ProdiJIG: The Revolution. Led by world champion Irish dancer Alan Kenefick, the show, set to premiere at Ireland’s Cork Opera House next year, features a troupe of young, undeniably cool artists who’re rethinking what it means to be an Irish dancer. Their updated take on the style involves combining electronic dance music with more traditional Irish tunes—and getting rid of any lingering Riverdance mustiness. (Zero crushed-velvet costumes will be involved in ProdiJIG.)
There WILL be plenty of flannel and leather, though. (screenshot via YouTube)
Yes, most of us probably won’t be able to make it to Cork for the show. But all of us can feast our eyes on the slick sexiness of this just-released promo video, which has a delightfully STOMP-y vibe. (And we can all add a ProdiJIG world tour to our holiday wish lists, too.)