10 Dancer Stereotypes We're So Tired of Hearing

March 28, 2018

Sure, dancers definitely have some unique identifying characteristics. (We’re all obsessed with Center Stage? FACT.) But we’re also subjected to all kinds of annoying, inaccurate stereotyping. Here are 10 dancer stereotypes that we never want to hear again.

Dancers Are Skinny

Seriously? The “dancer body” stereotype is the worst, and we’re thankful for the many artists who are now defying it every day.

Dancers Are Pretentious

We may have to be well-behaved and put together in rehearsals, but we also just love to have fun and bust a move.

All Male Dancers Are Gay

Dance has nothing to do with sexuality. Please retire this stereotype ASAP.

Dancers Are Weak, Delicate Butterflies

Oh yeah, tell that to me right after I’ve completed 32 fouettés at the end of a grueling three-hour rehearsal.

All Dancers Do Is Dance

Just because we’re in the studio every day doesn’t mean dance is our ENTIRE lives.

Dancers Don’t Eat

Again with the eating stereotypes! Trust us: Without food, we wouldn’t have nearly enough energy to make it through grand allégro.

All Dancers Are Super Flexible

Many of us can #TiltForDays. And many of us can’t. It takes more than great flexibility to make a great dancer.

Dancers Are Ruthlessly Competitive

Do we want to perform our best at all times? Yes. Are we putting glass in each others’ pointe shoes? NO.

Dancers Are Dumb

Good dancers are incredibly intelligent. I mean, can you memorize four eight-counts of choreography in 20 minutes? CAN YOU?

Dance Isn’t A Real Job

Please grand jeté your way out of my life.