Is This TV's Answer to Black Swan?
Well, this is big news: Cable network Starz is developing a new show that it describes as a “gritty” ballet drama. Apparently it will follow a troubled NYC dancer, and expose the “darker side” of the ballet world.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? I have to admit I was hoping we’d all left Black Swan in our rearview mirrors at this point(e); great as it was for everyone to suddenly be talking about ballet, the film perpetuated such terrible stereotypes that I think it ultimately did more harm than good. Now it sounds like that kind of ballet drama is returning to the mainstream. And while I’m curious—and, yes, OK, a little excited—to see what the heck this show is actually going to be, I’m also anxious about re-opening that whole “ballet is a horrible dysfunctional universe!” Pandora’s box.
That said, the show’s writer and its two producers are all connected to the ballet world. (One of the producers is the brother of American Ballet Theatre stars Ethan Brown and Leslie Browne.) Since they know ballet firsthand, maybe we can hope for a little more reality—a thoughtful exploration of eating disorders? a frank look at company politics?—and a little less melodrama. And hopefully it’ll involve all kinds of real-world ballet stars, which will definitely be fun for us supernerds.
Anyway, whatever you do, Starz, please, please credit your body doubles. Let’s avoid another Sarah Lane controversy, OK?
What do you all think? Does this show sound like an exciting opportunity for the dance world, or a ballet PR disaster waiting to happen?