March 2015 Table of Contents
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A Prodigy Grows Up
Budding ballerina Miko Fogarty has come a long way since First Position.
Quiz: What’s Your Bunhead I.Q.?
Put your ballerina brain to the test.
“I Am the Bald Ballerina”
A dancer’s journey back to the barre after cancer.
The Big Benefits of Going Small
Could a regional company be a better fit for you?
The Tools of the Trade
Four ballerinas’ pointe shoe rituals.
Pretty in Pink
Welcome spring with ballet costumes in shades of fuchsia, peony and blush.
A Shoe for Every Foot (Type)
Find the perfect pointe shoe for you.
Goofy Gigs
Six pros share their craziest dance experiences.
Up Front: Buzz
Mia Michaels talks about her Broadway choreography debut, Finding Neverland.
Up Front: The Dirt
TV’s Miles “Baby Boogaloo” Brown.
Letter to My Teenage Self
Choreographer Tony Testa.
Dear Katie
Kathryn Morgan answers your pressing dance questions.
Body Buzz
Tips for spring cleaning—dancer style.
Amenorrhea, or not having a period, could be a sign of a deeper problem.
How to apply false eyelashes.
Spotlight: Hip Hop
Finger-tutting basics.
College Corner
High school dance programs that offer college credit.
You Should Know
Superstar-in-training Charlize Glass.