March 2016 Table of Contents
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Amazing Grace
Gisele Bethea is soaring as an American Ballet Theatre apprentice—while keeping both feet firmly on the ground.
The Technique Question
Vaganova. Balanchine. Cecchetti. RAD. Should ballet students focus on a single style, or aim for versatility?
Crazy Moments in Pointe Shoe History
(There are a lot of them.)
What I <3 About My Body
Six dancers talk about their favorite body parts—and how they learned to embrace them.
Up Front: Buzz
The scoop on Paul Taylor Dance Company’s groundbreaking season; a fiery flamenco festival.
Up Front: The Dirt
Miami City Ballet’s Samantha Galler.
Can you name these famous You Should Know alums?
Letter to My Teenage Self
Anna Trebunskaya from “Dancing with the Stars.”
Dear Katie
Kathryn Morgan answers your pressing dance questions.
Taylor Gordon’s dance life on a cruise ship.
Body Buzz
How to catch your breath faster; everything you need to know about detoxes.
Exercises to strengthen your feet.
New York City Ballet corps members show off ballet classwear in spring’s prettiest colors.
Six ballerinas reveal why they love their pointe shoes.
Create a perfect ballet bun—every time.
Spotlight: Ballet
Tips to get your center work as strong as your barre.
College Corner
What it really means to major in dance at a liberal arts college.
You Should Know
Comp star Kenedy Kallas.