Tag: choreography

How Choreographer Lauren Adams Stays Happy and Healthy

It’s hard not to gush about choreographer Lauren Adams. The always-smiling 24 Seven faculty member has a heart of gold, and the moves to match: She’s a contemporary queen who can also hold her own in the ballroom and at the ballet barre. Add the fact that she’s a total knockout, and it’s safe to […]

Kyle Hanagami Taught a Total Newbie How to Dance—in 30 Days

Imagine you’d never danced a day in your life, and then you woke up one morning and said, “Let’s do it.” Who would you call to guide you through this new, foreign world? Kyle Hanagami, obviously—which is exactly what Ashly Perez, a video personality and producer at BuzzFeed, did. Perez recruited Hanagami to turn her […]

Hey, Young Choreographers: This Could Be Your Big Break

Love choreographing, but having a hard time finding a place to present your work? It’s an all-too-common problem for choreographers everywhere—and especially for younger artists, who tend not to have the kinds of resources their more established peers do. Enter the Young Choreographer’s Festival. Every year, YCF presents works by talented choreographers between the ages […]

What Inspires Broadway Choreographer Spencer Liff

Spencer Liff knows how to perform under pressure. Over nine seasons of “So You Think You Can Dance,” the Broadway wunderkind has dreamed up number after Emmy-nominated number within the show’s punishing under-a-week rehearsal period. You might not realize from watching his fast-paced, endlessly inventive numbers that “SYTYCD” was Liff’s first solo choreographic gig, coming […]

Kyle Hanagami's Adele Video Will Give You So Many Chills

If just listening to Adele’s “Love in the Dark” is enough to make you ugly cry, wait until you see Kyle Hanagami’s powerful choreo to the song, which reduced us to weepy, sniffly puddles. Inspired by Leroy Sanchez’s cover of the soulful track, Hanagami created a dance illuminated only by ghost lights, choreographing each lighting […]

We Can't Get Enough of "The Ballet Cook Book"

Anyone who follows enough dancers on Instagram knows that we love to cook (and, like all good Insta users, to post pretty pictures of the delicious things we make). But dancer-chefs were a thing long before the internets. And there’s no better evidence of that than Balanchine ballerina Tanaquil Le Clercq’s delightful Ballet Cook Book, […]