Tag: nutrition

Get Smoothie-Savvy

Spring sunshine has us all craving icy treats. Instead of reaching for a sugar-loaded milkshake or Frappuccino, opt for a chilled beverage with more to offer. The smoothie is an excellent vehicle for the nutrients dancers need to power through the day. From a pre-class snack to a post-class treat, there’s a recipe for every […]

Gluten-Free Craze

Gluten is a buzzword in the dance world—and the world at large. Lots of dancers are going gluten-free, hoping it will help them stay fit and gain energy. But not all gluten-free diets are the same, and some processed gluten-free products aren’t any healthier for you than their normal counterparts. DS chatted with two nutritionists […]

Welcome to the Dark Side

When it comes to staying healthy, it’s a good rule of thumb to “eat the rainbow”: A colorful diet offers a variety of nutrients. But in honor of Halloween, we’re taking a trip to the dark side of nutrition. And as it turns out, many black foods are antioxidant powerhouses in disguise. Black beans are […]

I Love Going Out to Eat!

You’re at a Mexican restaurant with some friends, and the food looks amazing. You see nachos smothered in cheese, giant bowls of chips and mounds of guacamole. You’re so hungry, but you don’t want to order anything that will weigh you down. Is it possible to find a healthy choice? Believe it or not, there […]

Top 10 Injury Prevention Tips

Speak up about any pain you might be feeling and get it checked by a professional. Photo by Nanette Grebe/Thinkstock Do you ever wonder if you are getting enough calcium? What about enough sleep? Did you know it’s possible overstretch your legs to the point of injury? Those were just a few of the topics […]

Be Kind to Your Body

Sara Mearns and Chase Finlay in Polyphonia Photo by Paul Kolnik There’s a saying for dancers: Our bodies are our instruments. But what’s one thing dancers do that musicians rarely do? We beat up our instruments. We sometimes forget—or even neglect—the daily maintenance necessary for a long and healthy career. But we only get one […]

Panera’s Got a New Hidden (and Healthy) Menu!

The Power Breakfast Egg Bowl with Steak includes two all-natural eggs, seared top sirloin, sliced avocado and tomatoes. Yum! If you’re anything like me, you’re a regular at Panera Bread for yummy food before, between or after classes and rehearsals. So I was reeeeally excited when I stumbled across info about Panera’s new “Hidden Menu.” […]

Say Cheese!

Whether shredded, melted or sliced, cheese can transform an ordinary meal into a culinary delight. Unfortunately, it often gets a bad rep—since that fantastic taste comes with a lot of calories, fat and sodium. But while filling your daily diet with nachos, macaroni and cheese, and pizza isn’t the best way to get through long […]