Tag: olympics

Predicting the Next "Dancing with the Stars" Olympians

What do Kristi Yamaguchi and Evan Lysacek have in common? Let’s see: They’re both American figure skaters. They’ve both won an Olympic gold medal for their performance in singles (Yamaguchi in 1992 and Lysacek in 2010). They’re both currently enjoying a pressure-free visit to Sochi… Oh, and they both beasted “Dancing with the Stars.” Yamaguchi took home the […]

It's Time for a Face Off

You’ve just finished a performance that you’re extremely proud of—a Nationals-winning solo, your senior recital, your first time dancing Sugar Plum Fairy, etc. You can’t wait to get your hands on the performance photos, to see just how stellar you looked. But then, when you finally get them, they end up looking something like this: […]

Derek Hough, Ice-Dancing Choreographer

We are obviously partial to any Olympic sport with “dance” in its name—which means we’re always eager to watch ice dancing. First of all, ice dancers are beautiful movers and performers, which, yay. And despite the extreme difficulty of what they do, the fact that they don’t have to include any oh-my-god-please-don’t-die throws and jumps […]

Olympic Athletes Sure Like to Get Down

Let’s begin by saying that luger Kate Hansen is, indisputably, the Dancing Queen of the Sochi Olympics. But she’s not the only Olympian boogying her way through the games: U.S. bobsledder Jazmime Fenlator is giving Hansen a run for her money. Yesterday, Jazmine’s teammate, Lolo Jones, posted this Vine of Jazmine in a pretty intense […]

As Far As We're Concerned, Kate Hansen Wins the Olympics

Dance may not be an official Olympic sport. But, man, has it managed to sneak its way into Sochi, or what?! It seems like everyone’s been talking about dance this Olympic season. First, there was CBS Sport’s interview with Canadian skeleton racer Sarah Reid about her ballet background. Then, U.S. figure skater Gracie Gold talked […]

Smitten with Sochi's Opening Ceremony

As we suspected, the 2014 Winter Olympics’ opening ceremony Friday night was nothing short of sensational. A flashy and mind-boggling revue spanning Russia’s rich history, it had all the ingredients necessary for a Broadway-sized spectacle—multiplied by a bajillion. Special effects? Check. Amazing sets? Check. Wacky costumes? Check. Far-out symbolism that was slightly over everyone’s heads? […]

Can We Please Bring Back "Ski Ballet"?

Oh my gosh, you guys. We owe Buzzfeed an eternal debt of gratitude for introducing us* to “ski ballet,” the most amazing Olympic sport that ever was. Unfortunately, we’re using the past tense here for a reason. At the 1988 and 1992 Olympics, ski ballet was a demonstration sport—it had a trial run, essentially, to […]

Check Out Keenan Kampa on "Today"

NBC’s “Today” is in full-on Olympic fever mode (aren’t we all?). This morning, the show’s Sochi installment was a look at Russian ballet, particularly as it relates to the training of Russia’s figure skaters. In addition to touring the Bolshoi Academy (where they captured footage of some very sweet—and serious—little ballet students), “Today” interviewed our […]