Tag: olympics

Gracie Gold, Ballerina on Ice

Let’s talk about Olympic figure-skating hopeful Gracie Gold, shall we? OK, no, she’s not a dancer. But 18-year-old Gracie’s one of those rare skaters who’s more than just an athlete. In addition to nailing all her technical elements, she moves with balletic elegance, fluidity, and purity of line—elements that, while they don’t necessarily affect her […]

Video Break Time: Olympics Flashback Edition!

Lately, I’ve been feeling a little nostalgic for the London Olympics. The dog days of summer just aren’t much fun without headline-making athletic feats to look forward to at the end of the day. If you were also a fan of the “Fab Five” gymnastics wonder girls, you’re about to be just as giddy I […]

Hey, NBC: Where's the Dance?

I hate to say this, but: Called it. Last night’s Olympic closing ceremony featured a huge dance number choreographed by the fantastic Christopher Wheeldon and featuring 300 dancers, led by Royal Ballet legend Darcey Bussell. But as I mentioned on Friday, I had a sneaking suspicion that American audiences wouldn’t get to see that part […]

The Olympic Closing Ceremony Sounds Dance-Tastic

The Olympics are winding down, which has me feeling a little blue. It’s been an amazing, wild ride. How are we going to say goodbye to all the world-class athletes (Phelps! Bolt! GABBY DOUGLAS!) that we now basically think of as our best friends? With a big, crazy, dance-packed closing ceremony, that’s how. Were you […]

Olympic Opening Ceremony Recap (aka Where Has All The Dancing Gone?)

I love the Olympics, but the one thing I look forward to above all else? The opening ceremonies! This year was no different. I was pumped on Friday night and all prepared to write a blog about the dance-iest moments of the show. But then, no dancing… for almost an hour! Yes, the Abraham Lincoln […]

Should Dance Be in the Olympics?

On Sunday, with the London Olympics in full swing, we posed a question on our Facebook page: “Do you think dance should be added to the Olympics as a sport?” We were overwhelmed not only by the number of responses (for the record: about 55 of you said “yes,” while about 25 said “no”), but […]

Elizabeth Streb's Amazing London "Ambush"

If you’re familiar with choreographer Elizabeth Streb—and you should be, because she’s awesome—you know that she’s all about extremes. (Her company is called STREB EXTREME ACTION, after all.) A risk-taker who’s always thinking outside the (theater) box, she’s no stranger to daredevil stunts that involve trampolines and bungee cords. Yesterday, as part of the London […]